Mortimer and Malice

Name: Mortimer 

Nickname: ???

Age: ???

Birth-date: ???

Eyes: Brown eyes. 

Hair: Medium black hair.

Height: 60 foot

Race: Two-headed Ogre

Expertise: ???

Personality: Crowned Prince of the Ogres. Mortimer remains 
highly intelligent and charismatic, unlike his fellow kin. Despite the ruthlessness of his race, he's concern with gaining knowledge more than anything else. Preferably tends to avoid physical confrontations. This does not mean he's a cowardly individual. He understands the loss - the aftermath of war; between ogre and man. 

Name: Malice

Nickname: ???

Age: ???

Birth-date: ???

Eyes: One green - one orange. 

Hair: Long wild orange hair. 

Height: 60 foot

Race: Two-headed Ogre

Expertise: ???

Personality: Second heir to the throne of the Ogres. Malice isn't the brightest, but he's the most imaginative, quirky and warm-hearted of them all. Although this makes the rest of his kin think there is something very wrong with him. Instead of being lewd by pleasant things; he finds the inner beauty within everything. 


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