
The watch sways back and forth,

Trying to hypnotize all the agony. 

But my heart sees right through the disguise.

How long before my eyes realize? 

Should I pretend? 

Should I pretend?

All I hear is,

The tapping of a pen. 

A page turning,

In the magazine. 

Why can’t I, 

Hear the ticking?

Why can’t I,

Hear the ticking?



If all these conclusions are illusions.

How can you tell the difference?

If everything the same to you? 

Only one question remains,

In your,

Twisted head. 

What’s your diagnose? 

Here’s some help.

Swallow these pills. 

Not working still? 

Here’s another dose. 

After ice consumed my world.

I watched far from behind the glass. 

Is it~


Or salvation~ 

How can you tell the difference?

When will it all melt? 

I hope it never does.



Let’s write another passage, 

How I been wronged,



By my own kin.

Remission of sin~

Where do I begin? 

Only one question remains,

In your,

Twisted head. 

What’s your diagnose? 

Here’s some help.

Swallow these pills. 

Not working still? 

Here’s another dose. 

When will it start getting better?


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