
Name: Blazerine
Nickname: The Bashful Bandit
Age: 25
Birth-date: ???
Eyes: Brown
Hair:  Long curly / Dark brown
Height: 5’0 
Race: Black/White
Expertise; ???
Personality: Aloof, cold, and terribly disinclined to present a good disposition of any kind, she does retain a benevolent nature. She's sensitive, sentient, and terribly delicate of heart. 

Calm and quiet, she's considered to be an introvert. Yet, she highly feels empathy for those around her. But her concern comes across very blunt in their eyes. Which leaves most thinking she's just sarcastic at heart. Whenever somebody tries to get close or shows interest, she defensively tends to push them away. 

Rarely she permits her guard to be lowered. When absent her real identity comes to light. She is a loyal, compassionate young woman in the presence of those whom she holds respect for, and that is when her true self is exposed; only then does she not harbor a mask to bare for her audience. Though it is scarcely shown, Blazerine's kindness is authentic, tender, and undeniable. 

But she is constantly battling with whom she once was and who she is right now. Only time will tell who she'll become.

Quote: My whole life is made of mistaken identities. 

Quote: But the past is worse than the future because my future has become the past. 

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