The Chatroom

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Welcome to the Chatroom! 

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ShadowFang: *leans against the old oak tree, feeling the rough bark press against their back. They close their eyes, letting the sounds of the forest wash over them. The rustling leaves, the distant chirping of birds, and the gentle breeze create a symphony of nature.*

Elektra: /notices Fang and smiles softly. Taking a moment to relax?

ShadowFang: *opens their eyes slowly, a serene expression on their face* Yeah, just needed a break. 

Ash2001: `Hugs`

Misty2001: ^_^

BabyBluePikachu: Piii 

Omega_Wolf: Lowers her head respectfully.  I’ll stay with the pups and ensure they’re safe while the hunt is on.

Scout_Wolf: Sniffs the air, ears perked up. I sense a herd of deer near the river. It’s a perfect opportunity.

Swiftpaw: Leads the pack through the forest, their movements synchronized and silent. Stay low and keep your eyes on the target.

: Emerges from the shadows of the trees, their figure cloaked in a dark, flowing robe. They move silently, almost blending with the forest itself. As they approach, a faint, enigmatic smile plays on their lips.

Me: Who the hell is that? Their username is blank. 

Me: Raises an eyebrow. 

ShadowWarrior: IDK

Icee: Smiles with fangs showing 

: Undeterred, the man focused his energy, drawing from the depths of his power. He extended his hand towards Swiftpaw, and a bolt of blue lightning shot from his fingertips, striking the beast with a thunderous crack.  

Swiftpaw: The wolf yelped and fell, lifeless, to the ground.

LilWolfPup: scared and whimper

Scout_Wolf: Charges and bites 

: With a swift motion, he raised his hands, and a wave of energy burst forth, crackling with raw magic. The ground trembled as the spell took shape, forming a barrier of shimmering light around him. The wolves lunged, but the barrier repelled them, sending them sprawling back.

Private Chatscreen Popup: 

ShadowWarrior: More attacks. 

Me: What is this like the third time today?

ShadowWarrior: Yeah but it's only to the wolf clan. 

Me: You sure we shouldn't interfere? 

ShadowWarrior: Unless you want to give the Shields more ammo.

ShadowWarrior: Hanjero said his men would protect the wolf packs. 

Me: Doesn't look like they're doing a great job. 

Me: He's fast, whoever he is. 

: He summoned a gust of wind, swirling with arcane energy, and directed it at the pack. The wind howled as it tore through the wolves, leaving them no chance to escape.

As the last of the wolves fell, the man lowered his hands, the glow fading from his fingers. He took a deep breath, surveying the scene with a mix of relief and sorrow. The forest fell silent once more, the only sound the rustling of leaves in the gentle breeze.

Private Chatscreen Popup: 

ShadowWarrior: Do you still have the URL?

Me: Yeah, we gonna evacuate more wolves to chat2? 

ShadowWarrior: Yes

Me: kk 


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